
Nov 20, 2021

Put More Effort into Relationships

Are you making time to connect with family and friends. Are you nurturing relationships. Are you available

Practice Self Care

How are you investing time into self care of your emotional health, your physical self, your overall relationship with the self and the Self. Take time to be quiet and still.

Slow Down

Productivity is good, but how many to do and checklist items can you accomplish, is it leading to wellness? Busyness is not a badge of honor. Running on empty should not be an option.


Stop and smell the roses.

Be More Present

We're either thinking of the future or the past or just stuck on the phone. Put the phone down and enjoy who you are with and where you are.

Work Less

If you're working nonstop how can you connect to the inner space. To not overwork is a good thing.

Continually Improve Oneself

Develop skills and improve yourself through reading, therapy, new activities. Keep learning and growing. Be a better person.

Prayer and Meditation

Develop your spiritual practices. Practice yoga with me, if you're interested.

Don't Be Careless

Be mindful in your approach to "things".

Humans Are Very Resilient

We are going to be ok. We will get through this together. Take a breath, adjust, and re-calibrate.